
Contact Us

Hey there! It looks like you have a question. We’ll gladly answer it for you.

We suggest checking out the FAQ section, as we almost answered every question.

You may also reach us at the following contact details:

  • +1 505-208-0076
  • 2105 Vista Oeste
    Albuquerque NM 87120, USA

We’ll respond to it within 12-24 hours of receiving it Monday – Friday if it’s not a holiday.

Frequently asked questions

When you place an order, our teams immediately process it. You are notified by email of its shipment as soon as it is ready and you receive your tracking number. Delivery takes place within an average of 5 to 15 working days, depending on the destination.

We offer free shipping on all our products

We deliver worldwide.

You can follow the progress of your order directly on our website. You will receive a shipping email containing your order number as soon as your package is shipped. Then, please enter your order number in our tracking system.

Unfortunately, once your order is processed and/or shipped, we cannot cancel it. If you cancel your order BEFORE we process and/or send it, you will be assessed a 15% cancellation fee to cover restocking fees and the charges estimated to us for refunds by the credit card companies.

Don’t hesitate to contact us via the form above if you need further help or assistance.

Be the first to know when a new collection is released.

Don’t worry; we don’t have time to send you spammy emails even if we want to. We’re too busy making beautiful products.